Zanki sketchy micro For biochem, immuno and neuro you need to use the Kaplan Lecture Notes. Reply DistanceIcy5639 Did you like the sketchy micro component of the pepper micro deck? Or you liked the question/answer format of sketchy. The author has shared 1 other item(s). ), but honestly I got through it fine. I do not in any way take credit for making most of these cards as stated on the post. Go back and do the Zanki I hadn't done from first semester (i. It's now as small as the original one. Then do boards and beyond and sketchy pharm. Some students appreciate all of these add-ons, while others find them distracting (especially on a ~ 6-week dedicated study period). I ended up using bros deck and I added my own snippets of sketchy into each relevant card. Our sketchy deck is more than12900 cards = 357 note (due to pepper style catds) for step 1 & step 2. 12MB. The antibiotics, antivirals, and antifungals that LNA created have been moved under Zanki Pharm (they will have a “(LNA)” in the subdeck title). Sorry should have clarified--the 14K cards come from lolnotacop (all bugs/drugs cards), the Adytumdweller pixorize deck (the one you're referring to, I think?), and Zanki path. agreed that the basic micro from B&B is good info, but tbh probably still not necessary if you know the sketchy cold. Posted by u/KOAS1X - 19 votes and 8 comments Hey guys, i made an up to date zanki collection from many sources (i. I rarely miss a micro/pharm question because of that combo and COMLEX is known to be micro/pharm heavy. My main method of studying though has been building charts. If you have the time, try to do both Pepper and Zanki pharmacology. Apr 22, 2014 · Theres not one from Zanki for sketchy micro. 2. Path is much more mechanistically driven (like phys) and is better learned through traditional means (like studying B&B / reading Constanzo / watching pathoma). are all awesome. I did the pathoma cards in LY and for sketchy used pepper. However, as expected, both the quality and style of the decks varied greatly. Started Sketchy using the pepper/salt decks (micro, pharm, and path) and intend to finish it, but I’m wondering if it’s worth doing lolnotacop, as well, considering Step is about 1. I love sketchy and Zanki+lolnotacop works great with sketchy micro and sketchy pharm because they have the pictures. If not watch pathoma and do relevant duke deck. I want to skip Zanki Biochem/Physiology/etc to cut down on the insane amount of cards and just cover the other subjects with practice questions. Is zanki, FA and Uworld enough for pharm and micro. I use the anking deck because it has Zanki and Lolnotacop included. Sample (from 105 notes) Very well organized; less cards; pure Sketchy content - was able to finish both Micro and Pharm comfortably with reviews in just over a month of mornings. When it comes time to cover pharm/micro use Sketchy and when its time to cover path use Pathoma. 5 years out for me. Just wanted to say I think Torky micro is a great supplement for the missing micro section in Zanki due to the style of the cards and the fact they are based on Sketchy however, from the Torky micro decks that are completed (i. Dec 21, 2023 · Hello Sketchy fans, we are sharing sketchy Decks for step1 & step 2 by pepper style cards that show higher Effect and Efficiency in Memorizing Sketchy. I like it better than anking just solely on the fact that it is in power fashion and not cloze style cards. It won’t overwhelm you as much as Zanki nor is it as big of a anking has many decks in one. Sketchy micro is amazing but sketchy pharm goes into so much detail that I end up forgetting the important stuff as well. That is an option for people who like occlusion. From what I've read, lolnotacop and Sketchy is more than enough for most micro questions. Updated 2017-06-07. For the path pharm section do pathoma and all the cards, keep up with them. If you started zanki from the get-go like I am begging you to do, you won't have to do this. Updated 2020-10-22. Also bear in mind that you don’t need to have Sketchy Micro to use this deck – you can just as well benefit from the included images. 41MB. Read those parts, do Zanki, and keep up with lecture so you don't fail your classes. Sketchy Micro is absolutely INCREDIBLE. between gram pos. so pepper for sketchy pharm (I don’t use zanki pharm). Also ended up deleting the Pharm, as that was redundant with the Zanki Pharm + Micro Expansion. BlueGalaxies Zanki Deck (which is based on the Original Zanki deck) Mix of Costanzo Physiology and First Aid for physiology; Pathoma for pathology; Sketchy micro & pharm; Kaplan neuro for the neurology section; BlueGalaxies added many edits and new cards based on UWorld and NBME content Zanki has micro pharmacology, but does not have a proper micro section (one of the few medical school topics not included in BlueGal Zanki). You’re looking at cards from various decks all tagged for the video you just watched, but it honestly doesn’t matter where the cards came from and I’m not sure why it would affect your studying. If you are starting GI, watch all the Sketchy Pharm videos related to GI. But did have to teach a few classmates about that add-on once I showed the deck to them, haha. Added a CSS style code that allows more images to be viewed at the same time (will affect your Pepper micro and pharm cards as well but can be removed) What was the goal of your edits? The SALT deck was an amazing community effort led by steelersfan1234. 0 audio & 1873 images. But just as you stated, Pharm and Micro subject itself is straight memorization with little understanding. I know I wouldn't be using Anki the "correct" way for long-term retention, but I thought it might be a faster way to run through the material every day than re-reading/re-watching the videos. optional. Some are more comprehensive than others, while others are faster to Haven’t heard about pepper in a long time (I think it was made in 2017) and people generally don’t list zanki and lolnotacop separate since the anking overhaul combines them and chooses the best of each It's around 14K cards, consisting of lolnotacop (all bugs/drugs cards), the Adytumdweller pixorize deck (immuno/biochem), and Zanki path. You might want to do a little background info on the basic micro stuff (like gram stain, diff. Sketchy is a visual learning platform that uses storytelling to help you ace exams, save time, and become the best medical practitioner you can be. so i posted this to save your time and give you the best zanki deck (as i believe) on march 2018 Contains pharm. Any idea why all the cards didn't come in? I have 4832 total cards for the micro 10/28 deck. Am I supposed to learn both decks to get Sketchy Clinical content? If yes, how do I do that? Does Anking Overhaul deck contain as much Sketchy Clinical content as the Pepper deck and in that case, can I ignore Pepper deck? If not, how do I integrate the two decks? I just thought of subdecking I thought sketchy was used for only retention. I honestly probably did them too quickly, but its a balance between doing the anki cards perfectly and actually staying sane haha. The cards are good and not cloze style. So they were bros micro cards but would then show sketchy after I answered it We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. When I was in M1, I didn’t like doing it this way bc I felt like a buzzword machine that didn’t actually know anything. Highly recommend, it got me so many free points on test day. Watched correlating Sketchy Pharm videos during organ system block. Anking is an overhaul of Zanki while also including parts of other decks (Peppers, Lolnotacop and UltraZanki) and another user’s (BlueGalaxies) updates. Has anyone tried doing sketchy micro over the course of 5 weeks and would you say it’s doable/recommended? Super Duper Ultra Mega Micro Para Table (di ko ako nagpangalan nito) Sketchy Micro pdf Videos: Sketchy Micro ExpertMD - esp. 82. So really only 4000 of it is micro/antimicrobials. MSK/anatomy: Zanki + BG and nutricionado for anatomy (edited heavily to delete lots of clozes) Public health sciences: Zanki + BG and lightyear both, with overlapping cards deleted Renal: Zanki + BG Repro: Zanki + BG Respiratory: Zanki + BG Neuro/psych: Zanki + BG Microbiology: Pepper micro Majority of pharm: Zanki + BG I like sketchy (micro only) b/c it helps remember small details in such a clear way. you dont have to unsuspend more than sketchy micro if thats your preference. subdeck(s) (1 micro, 1 pharm) for torky-style cards for sections missing from older version of torky subdeck(s) (1 micro, 1 pharm) for older version of torky subdeck of every red dot in sketchy made into cloze. reddit. So now what I do is: -I open up the appropriate deck (right now this is Neuro Pharmacology) -If I have any, I do my reviews -And when I get to my New cards, I treat them like regular zanki cards if theyre First Aid based and just go through them. I've tried using… Aug 27, 2021 · Many agree that Zanki did not cover everything needed for Step 1 (i. Zanki’s Tagging System Is Not As Good. ] For me, this was lolnotacop along with the bluegalaxies zanki update for zanki pharm. Sample (from 105 notes) Extra Q: I'm referring to "Edited version of Torky's deck. However, it does take quite a long time - somewhere around 14 hours. Do I need to download the Pepper or Torky deck for micro or will this be enough to get me through my block and step? Day after exam catch up with all precious zanki and keep doing them throughout the unit until weekend before physio and pay exam. Do all those cards and you’ll easily pass step 1 with a solid foundation without overkill on low yield topics. Apr 15, 2019 · Among these are cards which include sound files for heart sounds, and images from Sketchy Micro for cards related to different bugs. I assume by beginning of M2 year I will have matured 10,000 Zanki cards and gone through all the Sketchy Micro and Pharm videos. Updated 2022-03-17. Since I am done with Step 1 and Step 2, I won’t be going back to use Sketchy Path or Sketchy IM and I haven’t looked for any additional resources for them. I use your 3. I'd probably supplement with Boards and Beyond if I needed to (the pharm videos collectively won't take as long). Updated 2017-12-28. atypical PNA bugs, neonatal vs adult meningitis, invasive vs non-invasive GI, dimorphic fungi, opportunistic). Re-exported the Micro deck in apkg format instead of colpkg format and replaced the download link. 29,215 cards in the complete AnKing Step 1 deck. Just do the AnKing deck and only do the Pathoma, Sketchy micro and Sketchy pharm tags. Text: Patients taking Griseofulvin can develop {{c1::neuro}}toxicity: Extra - causes confusion and headaches- this is because griseofulvin messes with slow axoplasmic transport in neurons by disrupting microtubules AnKing combines Zanki, Zanki Pharm, and lolnotacop. cheese, meats, alcohol) Extra: Tags: MAOIs NeuroPharmacology sketchypharmacology Sketchy Micro Deck. For reasons discussed below, the Anking deck is the best way to do Zanki cards! Dec 23, 2023 · PharmExtras_(topic_covered_by_micro) - These are cards that were made from Sketchy pharm, but the cards from Sketchy micro already covered this pharm principle. more digestible) With that said, I believe you should begin the deck using the Torky section before tackling the FA section. Jun 3, 2019 · brucei trypanosoma zanki::microbiology::sketchy::parasites::CNSprotozoa::trypanosomabrucei Text {{c1::Griseofulvin}} is an antifungal agent that binds to microtubules, disrupting mitosis. Typical vs. . I REALLY wanted to like duke pathoma, but the cloze deletions from Zanki path work better for me, even if the deck is enormous. Going back, I really wish I just focused on UWORLD and Zanki outside of actually learning for class. Zanki is an original Step 1-centered deck created by a reddit user of the same name. Micro is high yield, so if sketchy doesn't work they need to find other study materials that conveys the micro info in a format that works for them. Absolutely agree with other posters about using Sketchy Micro and Pharm, just forgot to mention those in my initial reply to you but they are absolute gold. 02MB. I watched a lot of the Sketchy micro videos throughout M1 year, and I feel like I don't really remember the videos themselves, more what I actually studied in I have pretty much run through the Pepper decks for Sketchy Micro and Pharm, and boy did that help my scores go up. Zanki-Style Neoplasia Path (Currently have Bros) u/tsrs933 will be doing this (but won't finish it for a few months) Zanki-Style Finish Immuno Pharm from FA (Zanki's is only half complete) (currently have Bros) u/DoctorBobbyBobby is going to finish it up Step 1 is all about details. Why is the Pepper Deck recommended over others like Zanki or AnKing? The Pepper Deck is tailored to enhance visual learning, making it more aligned with Sketchy Pharm’s teaching method. My v11 has 3549 sketchy micro tagged cards and 5564 sketchy pharm tagged cards. How many cards are in the Text: Sketchy Pharmacology: Neuro/Psych {{c1::Tyramine}} is a substance found in many aged foods (e. It goes well with your class material once you start organ systems. Zanki Step 2 Deck. lolnotacop micro is consistent with the style of zanki cards (which I prefer over the pepper style). Just like the pepper sketchy Pharm and micro deck. -no zanki or anking -30% of uworld finished -MEMORIZED every sketchy path picture -Did the salt decks for sketchy pharm and micro -Lots of physeo (was a GREAT dedicated resource for all the random stuff on step. These are the "highest yield" and probably the best content suited for spaced repetition flashcards. Sketchy Micro. I think there was one posted by u/aervien but it was more than 3 years ago. Jul 28, 2020 · So sketchy micro + AnKing is kind of the gold standard, and it works super well for in-house exams at my med school. Zanki GI: Zanki GI. 0 audio & 1178 images. No problem, mines only showing 12 for NM and 12 for gonorrhea. Group organisms as much as possible (i. i will probably go back through B&B at 2x once i have all of sketchy memorized to synthesize. Lol's deck is more zanki like, and knowing the sketchy sketches can help you get through the deck because a lot of the info comes from there, but you can totally do Lol's deck without even having watched sketchy (if that makes any sense). 3; Lightyear- Cloze deletion cards tagged by Boards and Beyond video. I want to use this deck along side Sketchy micro for my micro block currently. But how do I actually use this effectively? Cause obviously just watching the vids won't be enough. Anking Step 1 Deck includes: Lolnotacop’s deck, which is a deck for Sketchy Micro; Zanki deck, which includes cards from: Boards & Beyond; Costanzo/BRS; First Aid Anking Vs Zanki: What’s Better? There seems to be some confusion over Anking vs Zanki. While Zanki also includes a pharmacology section that incorporates Sketchy Pharmacology images, the Pepper Pharm deck does it in a question-and-answer format that forces more remote recall. I am an M3 so I didn't have Zanki when I was prepping. 0 audio & 2998 images. Mar 4, 2019 · That’s why sketchy pharm/micro are so loved on this forum. Went through all of sketchy micro and used the lolnotacop deck. i've heard mostly similar things from my classmates though apparently some had bugs that aren't in sketchy show up, like bacteroides, ureaplasma, HACEK, so i'd try to be at least a little familiar with those I watch all of sketchy micro and did the pepper deck over my Christmas break and now Micro just might be my strongest subject. That’s what Zanki is good at teaching you. Both are excellent resources. UW micro (includes things not covered in sketchy/first aid, things I may have wanted to clarify, or questions I got wrong) - side note, I suggest doing this deck LAST Jul 26, 2019 · So what is Sketchy Micro? Sketchy Micro is part of Sketchy Medical, which is a video course that encompasses three major subjects in medicine: microbiology (Sketchy Micro), pharmacology (Sketchy Pharm) and pathology (Sketchy Path). These include Zanki, Brosencephalon, and a host of others. 198. I have check boxes for Zanki decks (+ some expansions), sketchy pharm and micro, USMLERx videos, and Goljan lectures. I'll probably start using the sketchy review thing more. Micro Pharmacology [u/bluegalaxies] (All antibacterials that are in First Aid 2017+2018 Micro Pharm and Sketchy Micro) Neuro Pharmacology addition [ u/bluegalaxies ] (Pregabalin) Neoplasia Pharmacology [ u/bluegalaxies ] (Sketchy Antineoplastics Pharmacology; FA2017+2018 Oncology Pharmacology, FA2017 BCG vaccine and Retinoids antitumor If a study method doesn't work for someone the answer isn't to brute force that method and hope it sticks. Contains the most recent updates. I've found it excellent for everything except the first 4 fungi videos which I thought were light, but if you ever find anything light you can always just supplement with Lolnotacop. e. If you liked sketchy use conanaas sketchy deck and watch sketchy path along with it. I'm sure that the AnKing deck is the go-to for a lot of people for a reason, but I believe that the cards tagged with Sketchy Micro are in the several thousands, and I don't have time for that LOL. Hi all, jumping in to address a common misconception! Anking is an important community project which brings together and improves on a number of great decks such as Zanki. Sample (from 2155 notes) Sketchy Pharmacology: Cardiovascular {{c1::Ca2 pepper sketchy micro/pharm: consider quicker alternatives like torky original micro (1400) and aervien pharm (1240, missing abx). Zanki pharm- Cloze deletion cards based on Sketchy pharm; Lolnotacop- Cloze deletion cards similar to Zanki that include sketchy micro, sketchy pharm antineoplastics and antimicrobials, Boards and beyond micro basics and Pathoma Ch. This is definitely the best deck for micro. Learning starts in class. I personally use AnKing and don't plan on opening FA. com/r/medicalschoolanki/comments/77pll2/pepper_deck_compres “Before using Sketchy, I was so overwhelmed by all the pharmacology I needed to learn. For pathology, do pathoma + AnKing here ya go. I plan on only doing Pathoma, Amboss Qbank, Kaplan Qbank, USMLE RX, all the NBME's (including offline) and UWorld. Jun 11, 2022 · Sketchy micro pepper deck. I use the tags to suspend/unsuspend based on the pharm or micro videos I have covered. Pepper uworld: no because you're short on time and if you do uworld qs anyway, prob not missing out. It’s essentially a series of clear Anki decks released in 2017 based on the original 2014 Brosencephalon decks. So as the question states, I'm looking for an ANKI Deck for Pharmacology that is NOT based off sketchy pharm. Autonomic drugs, Cardiovascular pharm, respiratory pharm) and also a deck called "Zanki Sketchy". Why would you want to use this over Zanki? Simplicity possibly. However, this deck also pulls from many other resources. 0 audio & 2592 images. g. Sample (from 109 notes) Extra Q: Vector: Trypanosoma brucei spp. However, they are neatly organized and pull in information from sketchy (main resource duh), first aid, firecracker (which actually has some good content) as well as UWorld. I'll offer another view point. Most cards are from Zanki, lolnotacop, bluegalaxies, pepper. The sketchy micro videos seem doable over the five weeks. That being said pepper is 98% representative of everything in sketchy. I recently am trialing sketchy after loving the videos for micro and pharm. Hey medditors, I noticed a lack of a zanki-style anki deck for microbiology and just finished making one that includes what I believe to be all of the content covered in First Aid and Sketchy Micro. and gram neg. so everyone recommends using sketchy to start studying over this summer between M1-M2 for our micro course. 0 audio & 1874 images. Zanki Pharmacology; Lolnotacop’s Deck (Sketchy Pharm) Pepper Deck; NourishedStudio’s Sketchy Pharmacology On Anki; Aervien’s First Aid Pharmacology Anki Deck; These decks offer different approaches to memorizing some of the more high yield facts related to pharmacology. Why is the Pepper Deck recommended for Sketchy Micro users? It is designed to complement the visual learning style of Sketchy Micro, making it highly effective for retention. I am confused if I should do the "Zanki Sketchy" or the Lol "Bugs" and also confused if I should do "Zanki Pharmacology" or the Lol "Drugs". Sketchy micro is worth its weight in gold, it will make micro very easy. 5. This video was great. You can choose if you want to just do the Sketchy micro one or if you feel the duplicate coverage is helpful First off, I want to say that I appreciate everybody making the cards. Updated 2019-10-15. Remembering starts with Sketchy. Remember that Zanki will include a lot of what is in FA directly that is not covered by BnB/Pathoma and has Costanzo physio + Sketchy pharm. Zanki Pharm. But, every once in a while, I get a question on UW that asks about something like S bovis that I am completely in the dark about. But the thing was that I didnt have enough time to watch and learn the sketchy path videos. 119. This is an Important Update! The link below contains the Full of the deck’s media, I’m sooooo Excited about your suggestion to keep Jun 22, 2020 · The Anking deck includes the Lolnotacop deck, which are cards based on Sketchy Micro! 4. 30MB. Honestly before anking update I used corrona salt deck for sketchy path. biochem). 59MB. Once I started using Sketchy, I found myself looking forward to watching Sketchy videos and laughing out loud during the hilarious video commentary. Sourced from Pathoma, Sketchy, FA. I felt a little stronger in those subjects when learning them, but haven't touched my micro deck in months and barely touched the Zanki neuro deck at all -- I'm wondering if it's more realistic just to focus on reviewing/filling in knowledge gaps with practice questions and Sketchy/B&B/etc, given that they're both pretty sizable decks. 255, Zanki after relevant Sketchy micro/pharm, Pathoma sections was pretty much all I did with USMLE Rx videos mixed in for physiology. This deck comes in as a great complement in regards to scope of topics. I didn’t start doing this until 2nd year, but if you can, start once you are on organ systems! E. It has screenshots from the sketchy videos, First Aid, and some online images of histology/clinical findings/cool things (maybe a couple memes Torky Micro: updated and corrected FA micro: fixed spelling errors and microbe errors. 118. Sketchy Micro, Pharm and Path are terrific video resources, and this deck allows the medical student to have every (or close to it) fact from these three topics referenced by the corresponding Sketchy image as an efficient recall mechanism AFTER answering the Bros 2. Sketchy Micro discusses Naegleria Fowleri as causing primary amoebic meningoencephalitis in fresh water sources and in contact lens wearers. It works, but you might find navigating through Lightyear Anki decks easier. I fucking died laughing when he showed a pic of his friend "handsome Liam" superimposed on Lancelot from sketchy pharm. e latest stuff but not related to uptodate site!!) and included the latest errata excel till this date (link below) i wasted so many hours while adding errata and trying to understand what's going and which decks to install etc. Sketchy coupled with the lolnotacop Anki deck + Zanki Pharm (from the AnKing deck) have been a godsend. Thanks! I’m doing zanki at the moment, with the expansion pack. Many cards from Pathoma and First Aid as well. pharm and micro are missing) but Zanki later added a Zanki pharm deck. Apr 15, 2024 · What is Sketchy Pharm? Sketchy Pharm is a learning tool that uses stories and illustrations to teach pharmacology effectively. You should consider adding Zanki pharm as lolnotacop does not have reproductive pharmacology. It can be challenging to navigate Zanki decks, especially if you want to annotate the cards based on your preferences. The new anking update includes zanki pharm cards that have a fleshed out hierarchical tag structure that divide each card by it's sketchy pharm video. I will also conservatively unlock Zanki cards as I go along (so I doubt I will mature the whole deck). Sourced from Costanzo, Pathoma, Sketchy, FA. I did edit some cards and added relevant images. Honestly I haven't found a good one, and Ive just resorted to using the anki spacing system to tell me which day I should review a sketchy image and then prompt myself to review it. That’s about exactly enough time to finish everything under the Pathoma tag, sketchy micro, and sketchy pharm. When it came time for me to start path, I wanted to do sketchy path in addition to zanki. It also has less cards, at around 1300 cards total. If this is specific to COMLEX, I'd say Sketchy Micro and Sketchy Pharm are more high yield of the two resources. You finish those three tags (~18,000ish cards) and you will easily pass. Now. I'm definitely gonna pass on the pathoma though and stick with zanki. Total number of cards: There are 1242 cards, which seems like a lot, but in comparison to some other Sketchy decks I tried out, it's a good number imo. I deleted the entire old Micro Deck and then imported the 10/28 update one. And I couldnt make myself do the open-deletion style of cards in the salt decks. It seems like most of the cards have an image of the Sketch in them too. but anking will also have cards for comprehensive step 1 and step 2 Reply reply More replies More replies I like lols clozes for sketchy>>zanki as the matter is more sketchy based less fa vs zanki imo another minor difference is the organisation- lol arranged in sub-decks (good for making filtered decks while reviewing 999 cards which will pile up :p ) vs pepper is in a tagged hierarchy Jan 20, 2022 · Sketchy micro. The Step 2 deck, as expected in its name, will help you prepare for your Step 2 USMLE exam. Sattar really explains concepts clearly, sketchy for micro and maybe pharm if it turns out to be your thing, first aid for review before exams, Zanki deck u can find on Reddit already complete with 34k+ cards Sep 9, 2023 · I subscribed to Sketchy Medical for Step 1 & 2 - Pepper Style deck and also the Anking Overhaul deck. I'm planning to use sketchy for metabolism, path, etc and I'm taking step1 next year. Jul 18, 2020 · Zanki Deck (I recommend Anking Step 1 Deck over Zanki) Note: The Anking Step 1 Deck is not only for Step 1. There are more comprehensive decks like the Zanki – Anking Step 1 deck, which covers Sketchy Pharmacology and Microbiology. Both: Some cards have been broken up into several pieces making them easier to do (e. Antimicrobials, gram+, gram-), I have definitely noticed some info that are in Bros and FA that definitely sketchy. Description--- I can confidently say I passed my micro exam with a very high grade because of May 1, 2024 · What is Sketchy Micro? Sketchy Micro is a learning resource that uses illustrations and narratives to teach microbiology effectively. Dump whatever textbook your school uses for physiology and read Constanzo. for anki i will get through sketchy micro and pharm in the summer. I decided to go with sketchy for organisms and lolnotacop for intro micro. It's a good short term deck to really hammer home the images so you can remember what they represent. Welcome to the wonderful world of Sketchy Micro where learning Microbiology is a little crazy and a lot memorable. The whole deck is 5766 cards in total (including the pharmacology sections). Was actually super high yeild)(*no physeo for biochem) -pixorize for biochem (not pathways, do not waste your time) Micro is super weak and it’s not in zanki. Zanki Is Tried And Tested. Zanki Pathoma tag, sketchy pharm, sketchy micro. 14,814 with only the #Pathoma, #SketchyMicro, and #SketchyPharm tags in Version 12 of the AnKing Overhaul Deck Sketchy Repro Pharm (Not in Zanki) Sketchy Immuno Pharm (Not in Zanki) u/bluegalaxies. Plans as low as $27/mo. This comes out to about 153 new cards/day. Obviously learning the material the first time, boards and beyond, pathoma, sketchy etc. How many cards are in the Pepper Deck? The one I’m using is 5000, but keep in mind that about 300 of that is the Antineoplastics/neoplasia pathoma upgrade, ~400 of that is the B&B intro to microbiology cards, and then 300 ish is the Uworld micro stuff. ”-Cindy S. We’ve aimed only to review the decks that offer high-yield information to help you with your exam. Updated 2023-06-21. they only tested pretty straightforward concepts of the more prominent bugs. The best way one can use this deck is to unsuspend the corresponding cards after watching a sketchy video. You should be looking at the tags, not the decks. I made an excel spreadsheet that's a little more simplified and way less pretty if anyone wants to DM me for a copy. 5k cards) which has the same goal as Zanki, but is largely based on Boards and Beyond videos. Anyone knows of a deck that is arranged according to the organisms in sketchy or first aid? Like I would want to do them in order. Doc Toff's lectures and final coaching Anki Decks: AnKing - Sketchy-based din naman yung micro/para nila, pero cloze type Pepper (Sketchy) - different approach: more sa pag-alala sa sketchy video Hey folks, I've been running through Zanki, lolnotacop's deck and Sketchy Micro for Micro. I’m not great at pharm so I’m happy for any overlap between the two decks and honestly, I don’t pay a ton of attention to which cards are Most people also use a deck for micro biology based on sketchy micro (either lolnotacop or pepper, both also in side bar, and have a few thousand cards each I believe). A very pathology-heavy section. Micro. All that being said, its the perfect companion for sketchy micro and antimicrobials. [Recently I think there’s an Internal Medicine course, but I haven’t seen any of those yet. i started doing LY's ID section and it is shit compared to sketchy. 0 audio & 1881 images. I could not recommend Zanki more highly. Each sketchy antineoplastics video + first aid Sketchy gout drugs + first aid Upgraded pathoma chapter 3 (neoplasia), including the neoplasia section in first aid. Then there is a cloze (zanki) style subdeck for sketchy micro will be around the same amount. Personally what I did was take the original Zanki, add the pharm expansion, take Torky micro download and remove all the "general FA" cards that go over different stuff like bacterial characteristics (I wanted the cards related to micro that isnt in sketchy), and download the Pepper micro deck. Is there anything more recent or has I made an excel spreadsheet that's a little more simplified and way less pretty if anyone wants to DM me for a copy. Aug 28, 2018 · Sketchy Path wasn’t out when I studied for Step 1, so I never used it since I learned pathology without it. Knew about using hierarchical tags, so that wasn't an issue, and I find it easy to navigate. According to a previous post, u/5iMbA suggested that Torky's deck was better written than Pepper, however he supplemented it with sketchy images and other info (I'm not sure about it honestly). Between the two, Zanki has been in the field longer than Lightyear. Thank you! comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment It's the Sketchy course that started it all. I’m also trying to complete Zanki (minus lolnotacop) before the start of MS2 (9 months out), so that I can only do reviews during MS2. maybe watch pathoma and do sketchypath if time permits because those will be useful for step 2. my current plan is to just watch bootcamp with my class, and maybe write good notes on google docs per topic so i can quickly review it during dedicated. Try 7 days free. May 22, 2013 · I'm considering only doing Zanki Pathology cards (for each system), Lolnotacop Sketchy Micro, and Zanki Pharm Anki cards. Jul 15, 2024 · It also takes notes from First Aid, Pathoma, Sketchy Micro/Pharm and UWorld. Or do I still need to do sketchy. Best Sketchy Medical Anki Decks . You’re going to do 100 new cards per day. I think you can understand just about all you need to May 7, 2018 · Zanki Step one. Zanki Hematology & Oncology: Zanki Heme/Onc. I downloaded the one by u/lolnotacop but it’s arranged haphazardly. AND NOW COMBINES ULTRA ZANKI! It is also re-organized and probably the best organization currently available (hence why I decided to release it now despite not being completely finished- read on for details) EXAMPLE of the card type = here (4 images) Micro/pharm are subjects with a lot of random associations that sketchy makes painless to memorize. Sketchy pharm is really helpful too, though maybe not quite as easily digestible as sketchy micro since there is more information in the pharm videos. The one thing I have to decide is which pharm to use (zanki micro vs lol micro pharm and also which neoplasia pathoma and neoplastic pharm to use; basically there is overlap between zanki and lol in these areas) Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship programmes. Apr 12, 2018 · Zanki is a wonderfully thorough resource that sums most of the content from First Aid, Pathoma, and Sketchy Micro/Pharm. You can speed them up, but to really learn them you are going to want to do a couple passes or incorporate an Anki deck like Zanki Pharm or Pepper. A trend in med school is using pre-made Anki decks with 20,000+ cards that promise to cover “everything” on Step 1. Try Sketchy for Free This deck combines the best parts of Lolnotacop, Zanki, and Pepper micro/antimicrobials. 45MB. Another deck is LightYear (~22. Therefore, my entire step 1 prep = LY + pepper micro + pharm Reply reply More replies More replies More replies More replies. IMO, I really like that particular deck, It's well organized and "to the point". It is just that Zanki Pharm deck is a lot and only way for me to tackle them seems to be SKETCHY!! Excited to knock it down! Use Anking. I have been making progress on v11 and I'm honestly really nervous to upgrade to v12. sketchy micro deck. micro expansion includes (paraphrased): subdeck for FA micro concepts. I believe Lol/zanki micro ask this in close format so the above card would be 4 different cards. Pepper deck relies more heavily on actual Sketchy, so if you're big on visual learning I would probably stick to that. Try For Free. Hi everyone! So the main Zanki Step decks are amazing, but I am a bit confused by the Zanki vs Lol pharm and Zanki vs Lol Sketchy (click link below). N=1 but sketchy micro was more than enough for my test. 0 question. Your mileage may vary. I agree with what NotHeyJewed said. Here's a great way to learn micro and pharm with anki! Download the deck here: https://www. I’ll tell you exactly what to do. If you're doing sketchy and zanki side by side right now, it doesn't hurt to use this deck as a supplement to the videos you watched. If you don't use sketchy videos, then don't bother with any sketchy cards at this point. Wish I Boards is really good as a comprehensive resource, pathoma is the best for pathology and dr. OMS-1 here. Sample (from 13038 The Zanki reproductive drug videos have images from a Sketchy-inspired YouTube visual mnemonic video, and while it is somewhat messy, it got the job done for me. Covers things in first aid that aren't in sketchy. There is one subdeck that is the entirety of ALL of sketchy micro in occlusion format (like every text pop up in the video) which has 1626 cards. “Memorize a gazillion facts, and you’ll do great on Step 1!” However, there are many hidden costs (and questionable assumptions) underlying […] nah I just meant in general. It looks like Zanki Sketchy has more or less the same information (mostly micro) that are found in the system specific decks + Lol. Having done sketchy micro and sketchy pharm, I knew I was a visual learner. Zanki is good for quickly pulling up the picture in your mind (kind of reflexively, honestly), but Pepper forces you to consolidate the image or bring together the factoids in a way that makes sense. Zanki Musculoskeletal HEAVILY edited nutricionado/BG expansion deck. Sketchy is relatively new and its not like USMLE tests you on the sketchy video. Features: Card Count: Over 26,000; Images: Over 3,000; Audio: Over 650; Tags: Over 4,000; Topics: Physiology, Anatomy, Pathology, Pharmacology and more; The deck has high-quality images and tests USMLE-style I am using Anking V7, and I see that under "Zanki pharmacology" parent deck, there are system specific decks (i. Maybe your professors watch sketchy and specifically ask things that aren't in it (there are psychopaths out there who have the free time to do this apparently). Zanki has more information from UW/FA though - so I plan on looking through those as well. I was probably a bit weaker on microbiology because I only did pepper micro (which I think is a very good deck, but it misses some concepts in First Aid that Torky hits). This Zanki Step 2 deck contains Uworld content as a resource for a third-year clerkship. I like Lolnotacop because it includes sketchy screenshots, which helps me remember, but Zanki includes things the other doesn’t. 0 Zanki deck. I'll probably also stick with zanki pharm as well and maybe use the "pepper deck" for the badly made expansions. But when I came into M2 after having spent the summer memorizing all of sketchy micro/lolnotacop decks I just murdered micro the rest of the way through. Contains pharm. But it's been great for Sketchy + micro concepts so far So I just downloaded the Zanki original deck and the expansions, just found out about Zanki and I love the idea. The allure is obvious. This project is a great idea! I would love to help any way I can. Watch lectures taking no notes. I was just wondering if we were given a ETA as to when zanki sketchy micro would come out. 6 months is 180 days. Both decks are updated annually with the current editions. zanki deck for step one. Then they cleaned stuff up and tagged everything thoroughly. 143. Because of this, you are correct in saying that it is many more cards. And how… Dec 10, 2017 · Sketchy pharm + the lolnotacop anki deck! Watch a video at 2x speed, then go through the cards to catch anything you missed, and keep doing the cards forever! Also try to imagine the picture whenever you do the cards to help you remember the whole thing. Description. I’m just worried about doing 153 new cards per day (taking one break day per week), which will increase my daily reviews real fast. xkeuyo ztewdh hgz yudgvfb ehdh dlr rjqd ffejo yaqwah nrha