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Custodes grey knights list. Very resistant to sorcery which is nice.

Custodes grey knights list It doesn't work the other way, an Imperial Knights list can't take a unit of Grey Knights. Your unit can immediately attempt to Deny the Witch And we know how their armour is made. But Grey Knights are a brotherhood of psykers, trained in sanctic demonology. Late 1st / Early 2nd was when the Grey Knights got their first rework into something we recognise as Grey Knights - the Grey Knight Terminator Squad was a squad of Psykers in unique Terminator armour, each armed with a Nemesis Force Weapon (halberd or greatsword). Which is an even more incredible feat then Valerian and a couple Grey knights and sisters taking down a blood thirster. Grey Knights Download PDF (369 KB) Harlequins Adeptus Custodes Download PDF ** Although the physical Imperial Knights and Chaos Knights datacards will be sold together as Index: Knight Households, we’ve split the downloads up for ease of reference. The balance dataslate will undoubtedly shift things, but for now, GSC reign supreme, while factions like Space Marines and Grey Knights hope the love in the Dataslate will help them rise. The list combines all the top Warhammer 40k lists for 9th edition ITC events only, taking only the top three lists from each Major or GT level event. You can DS within 3" to steal objectives with your 17 OC Terminator + Librarian unit, then Mists of Jan 11, 2022 · Third Place – Keith Wilkinson (Grey Knights) Expand for Army List ++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium – Grey Knights) [53 PL, 990pts] ++ + Configuration + Brotherhood: Prescient Brethren Detachment Command Cost + HQ [11 PL, 225pts] + 4 days ago · Meanwhile, Grey Knights currently hold the lowest win rate at 44%, the only faction below Games Workshop’s target floor of 45%. The Custodes finds a tremendous amount of respect for the knights who together match him even while their psycher abilities are nullified. Sep 23, 2021 · 3: Grey Knights +1 4: Thousand Sons +2 5: Adepta Sororitas +4 6: Adeptus Astartes -5 7: Orks -2 8: Adeptus Mechanicus -1 9: Necrons -1 10: Adeptus Custodes = 2 weeks. I had a great weekend at LVO meeting lots of you and playing some great games. Custodes are resistant, but not immune to psykers. 138 Drukhari (+4) 107 Aeldari (+27) 90 Adeptus Custodes (+12) 78 Adeptus Mechanicus (+1) 72 Orks (+1) 65 Space Marine. Due to warp fuckery, 100 Grey Knights could maybe beat 100 Custodes, but the Custodes would bring Sisters of Silence which would tip the balance in the golden boy's favour again. I wasn't a part of the match but the guy i was talking too (c. It would be an impressive achievement, but that isn't what happened. Finally, if the custodes don’t have sisters of silence, the grey knights psychic powers could be pretty interesting in this fight. Mar 7, 2019 · Grey Knights VS Custodes Who do you think would win, GK or Custodes? Im pretty biased (silver shitters all the way) but that aside, their psychic strength as well as their geneseed supposedly being that of the emperors I feel gives them the edge. Note: There's also a very slight update to the Deathwatch datasheets posted earlier this week. Im currently working on a necron list, Im at 1000 points and probably gonna move on to a 500-1000 point GK or AC army because the models are cool and dont need many to field a force. ‘What do you know about these grey brothers?’ ‘Not much,’ said Maxentius-Drontio. com/channel/UCPnDBvYGpBrOMRuGnY8xqcA/joinCustodes (Garcia) VS Grey Knights (Danny)Chapte I think grey knights should have been handled like custodes where they have one passive abillity and one once per battle abillity that can be psycich. This would be to introduce new players to the game and to specific factions. com/galleryJoin my Patreon circle for personalized roster br I modeled this army list after reading the "Watchers of the Throne" novel. Guard, Sisters, Ad Mech, Space Marines, Grey Knights, and Imperial Knights. And any Imperium army can take up to three Armiger Knights, or one larger Knight, so if Grey Knights is your primary faction, you can double dip if you want. I managed to beat Custodes. I can't even remember the last time the game was worse in this regard. Subreddit dedicated to the Grey Knights from Warhammer 40,000 Members Online Spent the afternoon kitbashing a grey knight terminator chaplain instead of working. Looking for the perfect Warhammer 40k army list to crush your foes on the tabletop? You’ve come to the right place; we’ve got army lists and strategies to get you winning games and earning bragging rights. Void Jan 21, 2025 · Next up are Astra Miltarium, Aeldari, Imperial Knights, and what looks to be Space Wolves, Grey Knights, Black Templars, Salamanders, and the remainder of the Chaos legions. The Custodes are made by a completely different process than the Astartes. Custodes are gonna have newer models and you’re gonna be painting around 20 Models too which is a plus for your first army. Whenever they use a stratagem, if they are in range of an objective marker, on a 5+ you gain a CP. All that to say, I think there is a decent argument that the grey knights could win one on three. Grey Knights Teleport Strike Force Incursion (1000 Points) Option #1 (GM shooty) GMDK: 200 = 200 Castellan Crowe + 10 Purifiers (4 incinerators): 325 Grand Master (psycannon) + 5 Paladins: (ancient +3 psycannons) = 320 Boldermort compares Paladins to Custodes in his purifiers video, and being relatively new to the lore (only learning from these posts) custodes come across very egotistical. Credit: Pendulin. Heute gibt es mal wieder eine Grey Knight-Liste a la S A neophyte goes through unbelievably oppressive training to become a Grey knight. But if they are making a move against a Custodian, it is directly saying that you stand in Defiance of the Throne, of the authority of the Emperor, of the Adeptus Custodes and the wisdom of the Doomscryers in the particular situation you brought up. Feb 26, 2024 · Below is the current breakdown of winning lists based on faction. So im not seeing the psychic part of our army. Grey knights in lore usually channel their power/share it with squad mates to be truly potent against daemons. 2 days ago · Moin moin alle zusammen !Ich teste weiter fröhlich potentielle Turnierlisten für das Turnierjahr 2025. Even if Grey Knights are extremely powerful they are still just regular space marines. But Custodes and grey knights interpret his will differently. Not sure what, as i dont play them. Jan 21, 2025 · We had a huge weekend with over 1500 players in 11 events. The list has a decent time matching into both Imperial and Chaos Knights. Grey Knights has a lot of rules interactions and can be difficult to pilot well. Nemesis Force Halberd + Elites + 2000pt Custodes List Help Mar 8, 2021 · If you are looking for a competitive Grey Knights or Custodes list but also themed then you will love these lists. I'm like you, love the lore, scheme and models, but the above it what's turned me off starting to collect them. Grey Knights are still extremely powerful, but Custodians are basically individually hand crafted while the GKs are still created with an Astartes template and geneseed. What do they think of the Grey knights having the emperor's gene seed? and just the chapter in general? Feb 2, 2024 · 5 Things You Need to Know About the Adeptus Custodes. And if the grey knights have a rivalry it would be the sisters that are their biggest threat. The two can be allied in separate detachments, and the grey knights' psychic abilities could help defend against the mortal wounds custodes are so afraid of. A small squad of Grey Knights would likely beat a Custodes, which can't be said for the Astartes, who fight conventionally. Custodes have a very similar battleplan to grey knights, except they have to invest more points holding objectives than we do, and they tipically play several small units instead of a big one like us, which puts them in a disadvantage when it comes to stratagem usage. Fluffy lists are ok but barely any variety, but to be competitive it's a make-room-for-three-dreadknights army. It would be reasonable to believe that the Custodes, Trajan especially, know that Voldus and at least several others are within the Grey Knights with Voldus being the only one they know A radical Ordo malleus inquisitor has been granted protection by the Aquilan shield host for reasons known only to the Custodes. The emperor’s tarot reveals the mind of god. As a side note, Constantine Valdor could probably beat a squad of Grey Knights, but Caldor Drago could probably beat a squad of Custodes. It probably isn't feasible to have 10,000 grey Knights, because they have to be psykers, a small percentage of the population, be worthy of becoming a grey knight, a smaller percentage yet, and then survive the grey knight trials, an even smaller percentage. Do they have lotta plasma, etc. You can include 1 character and 1 retinue (unit) in a 1000 point army from the Imperial Agents list. sub-faction, relics, and psychic powers and ideally should list these additional rules as a brief summary Grey knights. In the same book a Custodes Tribune dies off screen taking down a blood thirster one on one. From Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum. Yeah boy (2000 Points) Grey Knights Teleport Strike Force Strike Force (2000 Points) CHARACTERS Lore wise they are the Imperial version of the Thousand Sons. The list combines all the top Warhammer 40k lists for the 10th edition ITC events only, taking only the top three lists from events with at least five games and 26+ players. If the Grey Knights could neutralize a Custodes before getting into a close up fight, I think they'd have the advantage. Jan 19, 2025 · Search Results. In any case, we were not so proud that we could not ask for help when it was needed. 1 9th Edition With the new rules that came out, do Grey Knights have a better chance of winning? I’m playing a game later and looking through the GK kits, their load out seems better than Custodes, mainly that Gunner. Primaris are better then standard marines but they are just bigger space marines at the end of the day. I think Grey knights need a buff atm. Grey Knight Justicar. Very resistant to sorcery which is nice. A gladius is normally seen at their side. Drukhari : Scourges and Grotesques are making you pay for the pain. What i play depends on my opponent and mission type ie. They are one of the only functional close combat armies currently in the ‘mostly-Index Era’. Custodes are created in a way that they are oblivious to the warp, meaning that they cannot be possessed or fall to chaos, but they can still be affected by psychic powers like smite. It feels underwhelming in comparison to Teleport Strike but keeping that rule would have been busted in boarding actions. Playing an experienced Custodes player with Grey Knights is almost unwinnable. I’d call it a toss up, maybe a slight edge to the grey knights. 5x Grey Knight (Halberd): 5x Nemesis Force Halberd, 5x Storm Bolter . I loved the fight chapter with the custodes, grey knights and sisters of silence beating up Khorne. Of course, there's not much he could have done differently anyway. The Custodes believe the Grey Knight geneseed comes from the Emepror. ’ ‘We have powerful allies. You'll need as many separate units as you can get to screen vs 3" deep strikes and Custodes/Wraiths charges. youtube. So its common knowledge that the Adeptus Custodes completely distrust the space marines for their roles in the Horus Heresy, but does this apply to the Grey Knights? Do they even know they exist? Considering the Grey Knights have been gifted with gene seeds directly from the Emperor himself, and weren't technically around during the heresy. Admech, Death Guard, and Drukahri are also in a bit of a rough spot. Cox) the 3rd best GSC player in 9th, was talking about the test tournament at hammer head games for 10th that the custodes player had finished a match at end of round 3 and was mentioning a 10 man unit with a character that just got insane. Imperial Knights have so few units that it’s fairly manageable for you to pick your fights and utilize the Terminators’ Lethal Hits on the charge to get the drop on the army with all thirty Terminators at once if they leave themselves open, or to nickel and If there was ever a large scale fight there would be no contest. Something like 1 in a billion or some dumb shit like that become Grey knights. Oct 14, 2024 · The contents of this set have been specifically chosen to provide you with a Grey Knights force ideal for Combat Patrol-sized games – approximately 25 Power Level's worth of models – and will also save you money compared to buying the contents individually. Albeit faster and stronger. Grey Knights are his sword, Custodes are his shield. In terms of actual tabletop, Custodes are a much simpler army to run effectively with little experience. You can literally spend the entire game shooting them and not kill a single unit. They're just really good pskyers, but it's been heavily suggested that Custodians are resistant to warp shenanigans to a degree. The continued existence of this inquisitor risks a daemonic threat unacceptable to the grey knights. Grey knights would win against Custodes in an all out battle, but it would be a pyrrhic victory. GK are a great learning faction too because you'll be able to participate in all phases of combat. Jump to: navigation, search. Being that a Grey Knight is the epitome of psychic ability, they would likely be able to bypass the Custodes' psychic reistance. Custodians are custom creations from the start. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. 1 v 1 a Grey Knight couldn't beat a Custodes. Custodians are typically seen with a Guardian Spear which, in the days before the Horus Heresy, was a combination of force halberd with boltgun. Grey Knight Justicar Leader – Nemesis Force Weapon & Storm Bolter. And I say this as an Imperial Knights player (they're not my only army though). There are roles that are elite compared to most of the forces of Chaos like the Greater Daemons, Daemon Princes, Chaos Champions, the Chaos Lords, and a ridiculous number of Chaos Space Marine Warbands but that doesn't exactly narrow things down. If the first list stuck with a regular NK, I would lean slightly toward list 2 and just avoid any T12+ tanks while playing objectives/killing the rest of their stuff. Flamer is great for horde teams and area control. However, the Grey Knights answer only to the Inquisition, and so stand apart from such politics. If you focus on Paladins your force will be to a similar size to Custodes. Custodes the other day, and my army didn’t even make a dent in his army. A spear will already shred elite infantry and every custodes model is carrying a spear adding in more anti-elite infantry isn't as impactful as adding anti-tank which is something the spears can't do as easily. I decided to keep the dreadknight just because I like the model. Most aren't familiar However, what you'll find is that Grey Knights are significantly worse than Custodes (they're the worst codex in 8th edition, competitively), because even though Custodes don't have very many models on the board, at least they have some staying power with multiple wounds and good invuln saves. If it’s point, VP nodes will need to be heavily guarded and constantly moving behind heavy cover and being concealed. I'm not sure a regular NDK is worth taking (maybe if you can work a list that fits the model in as a GMNDK, that could work). His list was something along the lines of this: -Blade Champion and Trajann -4 Allarus Custodes terminators -3 Aquilon Terminators -1 Telemon Heavy Dreadnought -3 Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnoughts -3 Venerable Contemptor Dreadnoughts But, grey Knights also have a much higher attrition rate than custodes. And we know there will be new future edition codexes for specifically the Grey Knights getting the updated Space Marine gene-seed stuff from Cowl and Papa Smurf. Apr 29, 2024 · Trevor Loewen 2nd Place Wet Coast GT 2024 – Grey Knights – Allies. First the Custodes just have better equipment, there are more Custodes than Grey Knights, and the Custodes would bring the other half of the Emperor's Talons the Sisters of Silence and it would be a total curb stomp. For sisters i run two blades, two bolters and one flamer. The Custodians are unique beings built with an unknown genetic template based on the Emperor and forged by His own designs and kept secret ever since. Record: 6-0; Total Battle Points: 441; Kelpie Crusade GT: Top 3 – 33 Players Ryan Kerr 1st Place Kelpie Crusade GT 2024 – Grey Knights – Allies. Each member of the chapter undergoes a gruelling and torturous selection process, and even once inducted, their harsh training regime is without equal. My friend only has grey knights at the moment as an army while I play Custodes, blood angels and thousnad sons. Advanced: Like the Custodes, Grey Knights rely on a small, elite force, so every casualty stings. Grey Knights fighting a being only slightly less than a Primarch with only a squad and winning? That is a very impressive achievement indeed. Thing is, I dont know anyone with either of these armies, so people who play Grey knights/Adeptus Custodes, how are you playing? Are the games fair? How often do The Watchers of the Throne series has a section where a Custodes, 1 Grey Knight squad, and 1 squad of Anathema Psykana find themselves fighting together on Terra. Contents. An Example Kill Team. May 8, 2024 · Miniatures: Grey Knights. Jan 6, 2025 · Overview. Record: 6-0; Total Battle Points: 460; Mike Garcia 3rd Place Wet Coast GT 2024 – Adeptus Custodes – Allies. You can use 2 of each in a 2000 point army. Jul 17, 2023 · Armies that have strats/rules that let you move in response to other units/redeploy (grey knights, eldar) can also make the charge unviable. The Grey Knights are no different. Lorewise there is no reason for the Grey knights to wants to go through the primaris rubicon. Examples being the grey knight omnibus and hyperion novel. What happened is, a squad of Grey Knights manage to match the kill-rate of one Custodes in fighting Khorne Daemons. Miniatures Portal ‎ Miniatures of the Grey Knights. As for the mystical Primarchs hold that edge aswell yet Grey Knights somewhat get closer than regular Astartes or Primaris but they are still no match. Both can dispatch daemons, both are for all intensive purposes immune to their temptations, and both hold the two greatest collections of knowledge on Chaos. I run a 2k list with a Knight Errant and ~1500 points of Custodes. There is internal dialog of a Custodes in one of the Watchers of the Throne novels in which he muses that he feels a bit closer to the Grey Knights since their geneseed comes straight from Papa Grey knights work for the Inquisition who are at odds with the custodes on the simple fact custodes are outside their power. Grey Knights: (! Various options to build this lower points) 110+245+255+165=775 FWIW, if not building the Combat Patrol list, the Custodes box can range from 595 Nov 7, 2024 · My only thing I want to have in the list is the Knight, because it's sitting next to me in all its unassembled grey plastic glory. While custodes shooting is better than grey knights, its pretty weak compared to most other armies. Players wishing to convert and play a Heresy or Crusade-era Custodes army are encouraged to use the Grey Knight rules laid out in the codex. Nominally, Grey Knights follow the Astartes design but the Lexicanum article notes that there's no primarch/progenitor and the Knights themselves refer to it as "the Emperor's Gift" in a way that is separate from the rest of the Astartes. There is that story of the Silver Knight who got corrupted by Slaanesh itself, the popular theory was that the Knight was actually a GK but even that is not confirmed. but to directly answer the question, he couldnt, the reason why custodes are immune to chaos is not because he put an anti-chaos field on them or something, its because of how they are, inherently, their complete obedience, their lack of ambition or The only ones to stay uncorrupted were the Custodes, Grey Knights and Sisters of Silence. Grey Knights are trained to fight daemons and other warp based creatures and they have powers tailored to help them against warp based entities. Also remember wardens just take the banner for free and keep their weapons Below is the list im running against a friend tonight to try out different pieces. [-] The Grey Knights knew about the Custodes, most likely, and some of the Custodes know that the Grey Knights as a faction exist, but to what extent is not clear. TwoHorse: The Adepta Sororitas were one of the game’s best factions coming into this update, being one of the most over-represented factions in terms of top 4 showings and logging the most event wins since Pariah Nexus dropped (it is no coincidence that other top performers like Drukhari and Space Wolves were excellent matchups for Sisters, while powerhouses like Thousand So, I am building four armies (Grey Knights, Custodes, T'au, and Space Marines), and for the other three, I have 1k army lists that are basically… So generally for my custodes all comers list i have 4 custodes built, two spears, two shields. So Grey Knights need to ability to really hurt Deamons/chaos. We seen at lions gate the efficient of custodes increase but the grey knights when down. Right now our units have abillities that have in most cases already been seen except ours have the [psychic]. As far as only the mundane is concerned Custodes are a league of their own compared to Primaris and Astartes - including Grey Knights. Dec 29, 2024 · Skill Level Needed to Play Grey Knights. There are four different Assassins for 40k: Wahapedia: Warhammer 40,000 10th edition, Grey Knights army rules, detachment rules, stratagems, enhancements, faction expansions. Cheap to get into: $110 for a box of Guardians and a box of Allarus is a playable 500-point army. Grey Knights lose Teleport Strike and gain Eye of the Prognosticars. Propped up competitively Aug 28, 2023 · Imperial Knight Armiger Helverin. Differs on the grey knight honestly, kaldor draigo could probably take on a custodes and win. They may give us similar defenses in the future, but no reason for the Grey knights to actually need or want primaris. What I would change is definitely splitting Rangers, Hawks and Spectres into 5x units. Record: 5-0 Deathguard are practically a bespoke team already as far as options go, they just need Poxwalkers fixed to be useful. The Grey Knights, whom we had always had uneasy relations with, answered our summons. However everything can change with when the new codexs come out, trouble is we have no idea when that might be. Oct 16, 2024 · Adepta Sororitas. ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Adeptus Custodes) [55 PL, 8CP, 1,063pts] ++ + No Force Org Slot + Battle-forged CP [3CP] Detachment CP [5CP] + HQ + I played a casual 2000k game of Grey Knights vs. A Primarch is still the Top Dog in a straight competition. The Grey Knights are the legendary Chapter 666 - and although nominally a Chapter of the Astartes, they are in the Chamber Militant of the Inquisition. Basic Brotherhood Terminators are good all-rounders (and can revive a model in each of your Command Phases, providing staying power), while Paladins are a bit more ranged-focused, but get a bump in melee from having base BS2+, useful in a Faction without access to many re-rolls. This is the list I went with. Custodes are there to protect them, so you need to minimise any purchase chaos might have on them, as such, psychic powers are anethema to them. It’s not that the Custodes can’t fight the same threats as Grey Knights it’s simply that post Heresy their numbers were greatly reduced and they remained within the Palace walls. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. Jan 15, 2025 · Adeptus Custodes: Dawneagle Jetbikes got fancy price tags, but received buffs in the Dataslate. Warhammer 40k Battle report YOUTUBE Memberships: https://www. Oct 14, 2021 · Against Grey Knights, pair a Sister up with each of your Custodes and get within 6″ of your opponent to support a Custodes in really messing them up. 2 days ago · The Adeptus Custodes (Solar Spearhead) versus the Grey Knights (Warpbane Task Force)! Can the Sons of Titan take down the Emperor's golden boys? Find out on Custodes vs Grey Knights Hello brothers, I have be challenged and now I seek the knowledge of the ancients once more. Faction Player Event Date Record Players; Chaos Space Marines: Justin Brown: BAMF League 18 What’s your reasoning for giving the vigilators Aleya over a Knight centura Same question regarding veiled blade going to shield cap over blade champ. They are either Custodes or Grey Knights who are now spirits who haunt their suits of power armour with Inquisitorial handlers. Jul 25, 2018 · When it comes to design, each Grey Knight is an enhanced Astartes - but still a human with 19 organs added in. Apr 22, 2020 · Looking for a list for each faction at 500pts as a learner list. 4 x Grey Knight Warriors – Nemesis Force Weapon & Storm Bolter He plays Necrons and Custodes. Grey knights are both veterans and psykers but couldn’t stand to the raw strength and combat prowess that Custodes have in either solo or squad combat. . Game was over by turn 3. Psycannons are being saved on 2+ against any Custard that's in cover, so a unit of 190 point (190! Wtf) purgation marines with psycannons will on average do 2 damage to a unit of guards in cover. Guided by powerful Librarians, the elite Strike Squads of the Grey Knights teleport onto the battlefield, supported by mighty psychic warriors clad in Terminator armour and towering, heavily-armed Jan 20, 2022 · The Top 3 factions going into LVO with the most representation is looking like Tyranids, Custodes and Drukhari followed up by Orks and Grey Knights with Death Guard trailing slightly behind. Sisters of Silence Superior This is a Sister of Silence with one extra wound, and I feel that wound is more useful on a Custodes. You'll get more mileage from your 60 bucks with Grey Knights than Custodes box. Sorry but Grey Knight shooting just bounces off Custodes. At the moment custodes are a bit more competitive than Grey Knights right now, however both can win under certain conditions. 0 Ultramarines and Grey Knights ‘We have a grave duty ahead of us. Lists with multiple factions (SOUP) will be counted for each faction included in each army list. Custodians are trained to fight EVERYTHING, including Space Marines. Jul 25, 2018 · In a 1v1, I think the Custodes would win. Grey Knights are indeed powerful psykers and I would say (lore-wise) a step above a standard Astartes. The Adeptus Custodes are the Emperor’s personal bodyguards and Companions. This is going to seem very boring, but if I were fighting against anything with 8 wounds or less, and save 4+ or worse, I’d go with the following. Oct 17, 2017 · Custodes. Jun 8, 2021 · Its explicitly stated the Grey Knights are well above other Astartes, even including the Primaris/new generation of the updated Space Marine gene-seed. Blades hit way harder than most people expect. Still working from an 8th Ed Codex. I do not know if it was my request that prompted the order, or if Valoris had been petitioned by others. CP management is extremely important, their stratagems are incredible but also expensive. So I made some changes to the list. The Force Weapon had a limited-use boltgun on it, similar to a Custodes spear. They can banish big powerful daemons without actually having to engage them in direct combat (y Definitely. Units with a strong overwatch can do some damage before you get to act, while fly and positioning after their movement allows you to hide behind terrain if you have to and still make the charge. Black Templar can still be corrupted by Khorne or Nurgle, but Grey Knights are literally build and trained to never be corrupted, but even with them there are few exception, for example the Grey Knight that went to Palace of Slaanesh. Led by a Justicar Grey Knights psychic potential is greater than the sum of the parts, which should allow them to win as Custodes, while resistant against Warp, are not immune to psychic damage attacks. Lists with multiple factions will be denoted as Allies. Below is a list I’ve thought up, and I could use any feedback out there! Units that I could rotate in are: 5 man purifier squad and Crowe 5 man purgation squad Ven dread Nemesis dread knight Greys 1k (1000 Points) Grey Knights Teleport Strike Force Incursion (1000 Points) CHARACTERS Upon induction into the Chapter, every Grey Knight is trained to steel himself against psychic assaults. Custodes, 100%. Grey Knights: A splashy new Codex that was sadly not accompanied by a bunch of fancy new models. 8 points). 99 a month. My friend plays custodes and he is already eying this box of silent sisters just for me (and I am honored) but now I want to give him a challenge he deserves. Below is the current breakdown of winning lists based on faction. I can see an argument for the Sisters of Silence being assigned to keep an eye on them and be ready to banish them into the Warp if they ever turn. Oct 5, 2023 · The list combines all the top Warhammer 40k lists for the 10th edition ITC events only, taking only the top three lists from events with at least five games and 26+ players. Codex Grey Knights 8ed p46 Whilst the subsequent Codex makes them out to be allies, rather the the Inquisition being superior With their allies in the Inquisition helping to keep secret their existence, the Grey Knights began their hidden war. Should include ALL equipment and rules ie. Sisters of Silence are a bit better against daemons than normal people. Both other armies can survive the psyhcic in differnet ways through more bodies, fnps and denies but for Custodes I'm wondering if it's even worth playing them. The Grey Knights were created post HH to battle threats the Custodes were never meant to fight. Grey Knights have something from the Emperor - but its not geneseed. The Grey Knights are the foremost psykers of the whole Imperium. 16 Iron Hands 12 Ultramarines 12 White Scars; 4 Raven Guard 3 Imperial Fists; 12 Salamanders 59 Grey Knights (+6) 59 Tyranids (+17) The fact is, the Custodians are a component of his failure. The issue I have with Grey Knights is you're basically taking the same list everytime to be competitive. Grey knights (2000 points) Grey Knights Strike Force (2000 points) Teleport Strike Force CHARACTERS Castellan Crowe (75 points) • 1x Black Blade of Antwyr 1x Purifying Flame 1x Storm bolter Grand Master (130 points) • 1x Nemesis force weapon 1x Psycannon • Enhancement: First to the Fray Grey Knights are more like a quick Response Pack, they combine the strength of an Astartes with neat Anti-Daemon Tricks into one handy package you can drop on a planet to solve a problem. For right now, you could get a squad or two of custodes and be competitive and close to 1000 pts. Restrictions: Should reflect the playstyle of the faction. Oct 5, 2023 · 🎨Tired of grey plastic? We paint, you play! Check out our vibrant gallery: https://vfminiatures. the grey knights where not a direct creation of the emperor and the methods used by them are not very emperor-aproved (faith, misticism, etc). Knights. ‘They call them the Grey Knights. Aug 16, 2023 · Grey Knights Paladins. One on one they usually aren't that powerful. For all their perfection they were unable to do a great many things, and as many Custodians themselves came to suspect in the Gathering Storm series, Grey Knights are a sort of Adeptus Custodes Project Version 2. They all have force weapons which are highly effective against daemons. 1 on 1 Custodes would be able to defeat a Grey knight, but the story changes once you get to a squad level. When my friend convinced me to get into 40k, i went through the basic lore of every faction, made a list of the ones i found interesting which ended up being Custodes, Admechs, Grey Knights and Necrons. Those are: 2 squads of Terminators, Draigo, Voldus, Strike squad(5), Dreadnought, Inquisitor, 4 henchmen, daemonhost, jokaero The list: ++ Army Roster (Imperium - Grey Knights) [2,000pts] ++ Epic Hero + There is a whole chapter dedicated to this in Watchers of the Throne. Use this Stratagem after an enemy PSYKER has manifested a psychic power within 24" of a GREY KNIGHTS PSYKER or GREY KNIGHTS VEHICLE from your army. Very interesting to see the Custodes coming in after their book just dropped and telling of how the Custodes book is a lot easier to pick up comparatively I like helverins, but I don't like them with a custodes list because they overlap targets with custodes melee. The Grey Knights are the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Malleus of the Inquisition, tasked with destroying Demonic incursions when they arise and stopping them from occurring in advance. Custodians are built to fight small engagements like that. I ended up going 4-2 and only played against SM and Custodes for all six games. As such psychic powers are a must as a baseline. Their Infantry options are fantastic, every unit can hold its own without support. Both armies would get messed up against any army with a new codex. that are all connected in the 40k universe. Add teleportation tricks and psychic powers into the mix, and you’ve got an army that’s incredibly strong but takes practice to use well. Their mastery of the warp nearly rivals the Thousands Sons, all in their clandestine pursuit to cleanse the taint of daemons. I would be grateful for any thoughts. Want more of this content? Then sign up to VT TV for just $9. The Astartes use geneseed because its there as a template for the standard modifications that are applied to the subject. They are a purified order of incorruptible daemonhunters, possessed of the iron fortitude needed to face the warp's most nightmarish denizens. *** Except the Tyranids – their Index cards are already available to download. The Custodes are another matter. If it comes to just killing something Custodes win. Custodes and Sisters are each the Apex of those two Designs, just not in a single package. I can't see Grey Knights getting the Primaris resize treatment and it being locked away for just one unit in a Kill Team box. I think they will get resized along Wahapedia: Warhammer 40,000 10th edition, Grey Knights — Grey Knights Thunderhawk Gunship (unit characteristics, wargear options, wargear profiles, abilities, unit Ah yes, yet another miss use of the term of "Mary sue" the grey knight are definitely Mary sues, but the custodes don't deserve that, they've gotten their asses kicked time and time again, and in terms of strength they were created to be stronger in mind and body at least the custodes haven't killed a certain daemon primarch twice? Custodes wipes the floor with the grey Knight. They literally have Emperor’s geneseed in them. Dec 16, 2021 · A Grey Knight Kill Team. Any other Imperium army. Lists with multiple factions (Allies) will be counted for each faction included in each army list. Hell even the wolves manages to beat the shit out of the grey knights. Does this list seem okay for a battle against custodes? Grey Knights (1995 points) CHARACTERS Brother-Captain (125 points)(paladin squad) • 1x Nemesis force weapon 1x Psycannon • Enhancement: First to the Fray Brotherhood Champion (110 points)(strike squad) • 1x Nemesis force weapon 1x Storm bolter • Enhancement: Sigil of Exigence Hyper-elite, second only to Knights. Atm, Custodes will just in general, beat any other melee army other than knights and greater deamon spam. Now I fully understand the real world reason behind Games Workshop's decision to create the Grey Knights, I'm simply curious as to whether there's a lore Custodes win 9 times out of 10. As good as the Grey Knights are, they are still inferior to the Custodes, and the original eleven Astartes had to learn all of Malcador's secret lore, lore the Custodes already knew. Primaris are basically just beefier more chaos resistant marines, which Grey knights already are. IMO Guard, Sisters, and maybe AdMech bring the most benefits to Custodes as they have cheap units for actions & objectives or big guns on relatively cheap platforms. A lone Custodes slightly outpaces a squad of Grey Knights in killing demons. Your reliable options for getting stuff done past that are Terminators. The entire chapter of Grey Knights vs all of the Legions Custodes would be VERY interesting to see May 6, 2022 · Lists with multiple factions (SOUP) will be counted for each faction included in each army list. They work well with Custodes to give you variety and add in cheaper units. Without any forgeworld units (yet) the fight was close; two games with harlequins was a see-saw, but tonight - as he hasn't done his homework - the grey Knights ruined him with huge (and unexpected) MWs, followed by stronger than anticipated melee. I am actually trying to build this army and I have some models, I would like those to remain in the army. Grey knight 500pt list - questions and opinions Hi! I'm new to grey knights, coming over from admech because I wanted an army with some fun melee and psychic shenanigans - Rapiers and Silver Blades both seem reasonably fun - I like the idea of Silver Blades' fall back and shoot, and the fight first. Credit: Colin Ward. Necrons continued to dominate in the month of February, but a blast from the past came to challenge them by the end of the month in form of the Adeptus Custodes. Find out more about the new 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Codex books and 2025 release schedule by jumping to any of the sections below. September 16, 2021 1: Adeptus Astartes = 6 weeks 2: Drukhari = 3 weeks 3: Death Guard = 2 weeks 4: Grey Knights +4 5: Orks +2 6: Thousand Sons (new) 7: Adeptus Mechanicus -2 8 C'Tan and Wraiths are annoying but beatable, same for Grey Knights and Custodes. With that kind of strict selection, it makes sense only the best of the best make it and are incorruptible. The gk are a specialized force, a force that works really good when working in a group and against daemons, but outside of it they are not so different from others astartes. Also the Grey Knight's incorruptibility is a bit more complex than people think. (I had originally wanted to play all Knights, but everyone says no one wants to play against a Knight army in 30k or 40k . Current list ideas are below (all based on 1. ’ Justinian pointed out of the firing slit into the bailey, where silver-armoured warriors waited in the shadows. The big lad takes heat and keeps enemies off the backline since the reaper chainsword just threshs them like wheat, while Dawneagle bikes and Custodians advance with the occasional deep strike for Allarus termies if the front or backline needs support. Tau Empire : Tiger Shark’s new price tag hits like its railgun. The Grey Knights are a more elite chapter of the Standard Astartes created to be a force to counter daemonic forces, unlike the standard space marine chapter every member is a psyker and tend to have power weapons and stormbolters as standard weapons. If your friend refuses to change army or even list, whats the point in having identical games over and over? 10th edition is, unfortunately, unbalanced. Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Army Lists: Meta Monday News, Articles, & Updates. But the GK are also trained mostly to fight daemons and heretics, of which a Custodes is neither. Jun 21, 2023 · All the Imperial 10th Edition 40k index datasheet card rules downloads, including Grey Knights, Astra Militarum, Sisters of Battle, Ad Mech, and more are here! These new Imperial 10th Edition, 40k index datasheet cards for Grey Knights, Astra Militarum, Sisters of Battle, Ad Mech, etc, include everything other than the points. Apr 5, 2024 · Genestealer Cults, Deathwatch, and Imperial Knights were the factions that did not get top 3 in any events for the month. Melee-focused overall but with some decent shooting. Aug 10, 2024 · Grey Knights Interceptors. Valerian talks about the Custodes view on the Grey Knights and they have an uneasy relationship. . I'd think custodes and grey knights would be closer as both are quite melee focused units but again custodes are meant to be the best warriors besides the primarchs and if the emporer picked them as his body guard I doubt he would make grey knights who Each Grey Knight is a one in a billion example of Humanity that has an instinctual command of his psychic powers, the rarest of genetic traits that, when combined with the gene-seed of the Grey Knights, grows into a formidable and exceptional tool to combat Daemons. dgphjkt epkex jfwrekl qpkd xecfdgq vpelo kzxg rrdvto rbupkhs kclkmldt